Wagner Rehab

Professional Rehabilitation Counseling Services
Est. 1985

About Us

Wagner Rehab is a privately owned vendor providing rehabilitation counseling services since 1985. Our home office is located in Bedford, NH, and we have eight additional satellite offices.

Our services include Medical Case ManagementVocational RehabilitationJob Site Ergonomic Assessments (performed only by a licensed and trained Occupational Therapist), Return To Work or "Stay at Work" Training for EmployersDisability Case Management services, and more.

Wagner Rehab's mission statement has always been our guiding philosophy:  Provide the highest quality of service for the lowest aggregate cost possible

Our Medical Case Managers (MCMs) are dedicated to achieving successful case resolution as quickly as possible at the lowest possible cost to the insured/carrier. Ongoing training and supervision ensure that all MCMs share this goal.

Leaders in Medical Management and Vocational Rehabilitation
*Certified Case Managers (CCM)
*Certified Insurance Rehabilitation Specialists(CIRS)
*Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRC)
*Experienced Professionals

*Telephonic Disability Management
*On-site Medical Case Management
*Preferred Provider Networks
*Work-Site Evaluations
*Provide Employer Consultation and Return To Work & Stay at Work programs
*Transitional/Alternative Return to Work Plans
*Vocational Rehabilitation

*Status reports can be delivered in the following formats: faxing, e-mail, and/or mail.  

*Fixed Cost
*Improved Communication
*Early Problem Identification/Resolution
*Increased Adaptation to Injury/Illness
*Decreased Period of Disability
*Managed Indemnity & Medical Expenses

24 Eastman Ave, Bedford, NH 03110
Toll Free: (877) 669-5954 | Fax: (603) 218-6038| judy@jwagrehab.com
©2016 Wagner Rehab, LLC. All rights reserved.